Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Install and to Update an Application?

All of the installable application software have their own instructions how to install them, which are the best among the installation guidelines that are made by the others. So, the best thing you could do is to try to understand the dialect of their instructions and follow it. If it's not possible for you to understand it, you could now choose the guidelines by others that are written in the language that you can understand.

Installing Application Software

In this tutorial we will going to install an application software, and the specific software that we'll going to install as our example is a text editor, Vim. The specific operating system (OS) that I'm using is (Microsoft) Windows 7.

  1. Go to the portal where you can originally download the software or setup program, which in our case is at: download : vim online
  2. Left click on a link for a program that's compatible to your operating system. Choose such “MS-Windows: self-installing executable” for Microsoft Windows' user.
  3. Wait a minute while your PC is downloading the setup program which in our case is named as or close to "gvim74.exe" if it's for MS-Windows.
  4. After downloading, run the new downloaded file. You will be ask if Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer? You need to allow it by choosing "Yes".
  5. The program named Vim 7.4 Setup or that's named close to that, will now ask you such like This will install Vim 7.4 on your computer. Continue? Just click "Yes" to continue.
  6. You should read the License Agreement and must accept it by clicking on “I Agree” to continue.
  7. In Installation Options, you can either select the type of install or select the optional components you want to install or just leave them in Typical type for default. And make sure that you're free space have reached the space requirement which is on the bottom left of the window, and click on “Next >” to continue.
  8. In Installation Folder, you can choose a destination directory that end in 'vim' to install the software, or just leave it default. Just make sure that your computer have reached the space required, and then click "Install".
  9. Installing the application would just take a minute to complete! While this process, you can see on your unfocused desktop at the back, that there are new shortcuts that have the word "Vim" on their titles, appearing.